
Past VilniusSec Events

VilniusSec Meetup #3

[LT] Trečiasis susitikimas! Ateik paplepėti prie bokalo alaus.

  • Kada: 2024-09-19 18:00
  • Kur: Alaus Namai (įėjus laiptais žemyn ir į dešinę)
  • Kas: alus ir pokalbiai nuoroda: čia

Mūsų chat'as: citysec-vilniussec

[EN] Third meetup is going to happen! Same time, same place. Come and hang.

  • When: 2024-09-19 18:00
  • Where: Alaus Namai (Club function room, first door on the right, when descending the steps, just besides the coat racks)
  • What: beer and chat link: here

Our chatroom: citysec-vilniussec

VilniusSec Meetup #2

Second meetup is going to happen! Same time, same place. Come and hang.

  • When: 2024-04-25 18:00
  • Where: Alaus Namai - club function room, first door on the right, when descending the steps, just besides the coat racks
  • What: your friends, beer and chat about cyber things link: here

Our chatroom: citysec-vilniussec

VilniusSec Meetup #1

Welcome to VilniusSec! Please join us at our first meetup:

  • When: 2024-02-13 18:00
  • Where: Alaus Namai
  • What: beer and chat link: here

Our chatroom: citysec-vilniussec

To get an idea what is VilniusSec, check out the other CitySec groups at